rochet is the art of creating fabric with a hooked needle, transforming yarn into beautiful patterns and textures. With each carefully crafted stitch, a world of possibilities unfolds, allowing you to fashion everything from cozy blankets to stylish
wearables. Dive into the rhythmic dance of yarn and hook, where creativity knows no bounds.

What skills needed to start ?
'Practice makes perfect,' as the saying goes. This is a well-known saying, and like anything else in life, if you want to improve, you must practice. Crochet every day for 10 minutes to assist your body become more used to the action and rhythm of crocheting. A little practice each day goes a long way, and before you know it, your fingers will be able to crochet like an expert without the use of your eyes.
Find the right crochet hook for you – Finding the right hook is like finding Harry Potters Wand, I know this may seem silly but there are various ways of holding your hook & how your body connects together with the instrument – pencil hold, knife grip, left handed style. Then also the pressure you use to hold your hook, how you move your arm or wrist, all these details will affect the hook you choose.
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